Tips for Successful Potty Training

Tips for Successful Potty Training

Time to ditch the diaper? When you know it’s time to start potty training you know. It’s one of those moments where you go all in and take the time to make it work. We wanted to make it easier for all of you mamas and put together some tips for successful potty training. 

First, it’s important to make sure your child is ready. Try not to push your child if they are not ready. You will notice that they are ready if they are starting to pull down their diaper, they can sit on the toilet and stay seated. They will show interest in the bathroom or may say their diaper is dirty and start speaking about the bathroom. See below our top tips.

  • Teach!  Buy a book and read to them the story.  Explain to them about using a toilet and why it's better than a diaper. You can also set an example and show them how to use the toilet by teaching them with action. 
  • Excite them!  Have them choose their underwear, whether online or take them to the store, and make it a big celebration. Big girl/ big boy underwear time! Or Shop Lev Baby underwear to keep your babe comfy all day.
  • Have a plan and follow it - We like the 3 day plan

          Day 1:  Plan to be at home all day long, if you can. No diaper, underwear only!  Give them their favorite drink to make them have to use the toilet often.  Take them to sit on the toilet every 20 minutes for most of the day.  If they have an accident, be positive, give them confidence and give them a hug.

           Day 2:  Favorite drink!  Ask them when they need to go and help them so they do not have an accident.  

           Day 3: They are getting the hang of it!  They should be able to take a short car ride, have a short outing, etc and stay dry.

  • Magic Tricks: Kids love anything fun, let’s make it fun. Add blue dye or blue toilet bowl cleaner to the toilet and let the color change from blue to green. Another option is dish soap, they can watch it form and bubble up.

  • Remember, give them the confidence they need to succeed. Have patience and know that it may take time and that’s ok. Have fun with it and create moments and memories. It’s just a season and you’ll look back at potty training with hopefully a few laughs and maybe a few tears at how fast it went by.

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